Fire Sprinkler Systems

Fire Sprinkler System Design & Installation

The safest fire sprinkler system begins with the best design. Our highly trained designers carefully create efficient systems for your property and carry out the installation with equal dedication, ensuring quality results. Clients know we put extreme care into every project.

Design Build Fire Protection of Wisconsin Inc

Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance Services

Ensuring fire sprinkler systems are working effectively is not only essential but also mandated by law. We offer a comprehensive range of inspection and testing services tailored to your facility’s needs, including weekly, monthly, quarterly, bi-annual, or annual checks to comply with local codes, insurance requirements, and industry regulations. In addition to routine maintenance, we provide 24/7 emergency service.

Our team conducts thorough physical inspections of all fire sprinkler system components to verify proper functionality. We also carry out the following tests:

  • Main drain tests
  • Water flow tests
  • Backflow tests
  • Fire pump tests
  • Corrosion and obstruction tests
  • Trip tests for dry pipe, pre-action, and deluge valves

Call us for fire equipment maintenance to make sure your building - and the people inside - stay safe. Reach out to our team for a personalized quote.

Reach out to our team for a personalized quote.

Determining the Right Fire Sprinkler System for Your Facility

Our fire protection sprinkler systems are tailored to suit and protect any property effectively. Whether you need a fire protection plan for a new commercial building, or are updating your home’s fire safety system, we’ve got you covered. Choose from wet, dry or pre-action systems to meet the safety standards in your building. If you’re not sure what kind of fire sprinkler will work best for your property, don’t worry! That’s what we do best.

Wet System

Wet System

Inherently reliable, wet pipe sprinkler systems are a cost-effective fire prevention sprinkler design that works best for the majority of property types. When a fire occurs, heat from the flame activates the sprinklers and water stored in connecting pipes discharges immediately. Wet sprinkler systems are ideal for both residential and commercial properties because of the ease with which the water is discharged when the sprinkler is activated.

Dry System

Dry System

Instead of water, dry pipes contain pressurized air or nitrogen. When the sprinkler is activated, the release of air allows the water pressure to open the valve, letting water flow freely from the sprinkler head. The storage of air instead of water prevents your pipes from freezing the way they do in wet pipe systems. That makes dry sprinkler systems the perfect choice for properties that are not temperature controlled, such as warehouses or outdoor spaces.

Pre-Action System

Pre-action sprinkler systems are designed similarly to dry pipe systems because the pipes are filled with air as opposed to water. Pre-action systems are commonly used in areas where accidental activation can cause significant damage such as data centers or museums. Once we help you decide that pre-action is best for you, there are different kinds of fire sprinkler systems to choose from.

FM-200/FE 25 System

FM-200/FE 25 System

This system employs clean agent gases to put out fires, effectively suppressing them without leaving any residue or causing harm to equipment. It is particularly well-suited for safeguarding valuable assets in environments where water-based systems are not suitable.

Count on Us for Your Fire Safety Needs

Whether you're dealing with an emergency or seeking routine advice, we provide dependable, tailored fire safety solutions.


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